
What is disaster recovery, and am I doing it right?

Mother Nature is known for her unparalleled beauty but feared for her unforgiving wrath. But what does this have to do with business? You might not see a direct correlation, but imagine one day you arrived at the office and found nothing but the scattered remnants of all the time, money and energy you invested into building your organization -- all because a hurricane hit your area.

How do small- and medium-sized businesses recognize an attack and prevent it from happening?

Contrary to popular belief, medieval castles weren’t easy to penetrate. This was because the structures were designed to be as defensive as possible, ensuring that every element would work together to hold out against sieges. Massive curtain walls, treacherous moats, and spectacular towers offering strategic vantage points were just some of the mechanisms used back in the day.

Do you have a disaster recovery plan and have you tested it?

According to a TechTarget survey, approximately 77 percent of surveyed companies have a disaster recovery (DR) plan. A disaster recovery plan outlines the steps an organization has to take to recover access to their software, data, and/or hardware to resume normal, critical business functions in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

Why managed IT services is the way to go

Mediocrity is the last thing you want for your IT resources, you also wouldn’t want half-baked support and staggering bills. When all of that comes together, business owners are faced with a difficult choice: continuing with in-house IT staff or investing in managed IT services.

Business Technology Planning

IT has become a vital part of daily business operations. Businesses rely on them to communicate with clients, maintain financial orders, and store important data. This means that business owners shouldn’t overlook the importance of business technology planning.

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